Dec 20, 2010

Tonight's Full Moon w/ Lunar Eclipse Falls on Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2010

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse falls on Winter Solstice
December 21st, 2010

Tonight's full moon brings in the Winter Solstice and also bestows upon us the beauty and grace of a lunar eclipse. On this eve of Winter, a total lunar eclipse will be viewable over all of America.

To me, the Full Moon is a mirror of inner beauty, it's reflection shows us our true brilliant nature.

It is a reminder of divine feminine power, the magic of true, natural inner beauty which we all possess.

It is a loving reminder from the Universe that we are all beautiful and we are all united in Love.

The Winter Solstice has long been a celebrated seasonal holiday throughout many cultures for thousands of years. Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year....the beginning of the end of the dark days (in the Northern Hemisphere). Early civilizations held sacred ceremonies and rituals to mark the Winter Solstice. They celebrated the changing season with rituals and festivities to call upon the return of the Sun. The Winter was a frightening time in primitive cultures. People thought the Gods deserted them in the Winter and left them to survive the harsh winter on their own. Winter Solstice was a celebration of the return of the light. It was a celebration of renewed hope, a time of prayer and worship. People danced and prayed in honor of the Sun, they made sacrifices to show their love and devotion to the Sun God and sought his return.

Natives of the earliest civilizations known to man observed the moon as a heavenly body and held special rituals of worship to honor the Full moon. In fact, some of the holidays observed today are deliberately pre-arranged on the modern day calendar in accordance with the Full Moon. (For example, Easter)

In ancient customs, a full moon on the night of the Winter Solstice would have been a special treat. Throw a lunar eclipse in there and you have a very rare and extra special holy blessing from the heavens, a significant moment to be appreciated, respected and worshipped.

We can only imagine how our ancestors would have viewed tonight's celestial event. I presume they would find it extraordinarily special and hold special ceremonies in honor and observation of this marvelous celestial occasion.

Eclipses bring changes, and their influence is considered about 10 times that of a normal full or new moon. Tonight, use this especially powerful opportunity to tap into the universal love and inner beauty that the moon symbolizes. Take a moment to admire the soft elegance of the Full moon's luster and bathe in the radiant beams of glimmering moonlight. Most of us get uneasy with change, even if it's positive. Eclipses can bring challenges and sometimes people experience hardships and strife during an eclipse. Tonight, let go and open up to embrace change and receive the benefits that it brings. If life did not bring changes we would not have the opportunity to grow emotionally and spiritually.

Read more about the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


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