Apr 15, 2009

How To Use Concentration To Fulfill Your Desires

How To Use Concentration To Fulfill Your Desires

Concentration is the ability to focus the mind at will. It is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and developed to improve and expand your level of concentration. You practice concentration by holding your mind still. You choose to be calm, still , and relaxed, giving your full attention to the present moment.

Some of the benefits of concentration are deeper meditation, more insight, improved listening, breathing, communication and enhanced connections with other people. It can help you develop a stronger memory, accomplish goals and fulfill desires. Deep concentration can help you become more intuitive and perceptive. A person who can relax and calm their mind at will will have improved health mentally, emotionally and physically.

The sixth sense or intuition comes through undivided mental attention. Divided attention is when we are thinking of one thing while doing another. In order to be perceptive and intuitive we must learn to use undivided attention. In order to master undivided attention you must be aware of what your attention is and where it is focused. Undivided attention will help you save time, make fewer mistakes, remember more and notice things you never noticed before. You will enjoy experiences more and see a new beauty in other people and in all of life around you.

Using concentration can help you achieve goals by focusing your concentration on the fulfillment of your desires and choosing activities that support it. This merging of your consciousness with the object of your attention is called atonement. This means you draw your attention away from all distraction of the physical world and turn the attention inward, all consciousness is centered upon awareness. Stilling the mind cannot be accomplished by trying not to think about something. When you try to avoid a thought you are giving it attention by trying not to think about it.

You can’t use negative thoughts like “I can’t do this,” or “I’m never going to get this” because these thoughts are distractions that move you away from your goal. You have to consciously choose your thoughts and not even consider the possibility of failure. In order to use concentration fully you must use will power. With daily practice you can learn to improve your concentration to enhance your life experiences and achieve the things in life that you desire.

Copyright Jenifer Rose All Rights Reserved


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