Seven Ways To Access Your Inner Cheerleader
By Monica Ramirez Basco, PhD
One way to stave off the urge to procrastinate is to call motivating thoughts to mind early, before you have to panic. Think of some inspiring phrases or statements, write them on sticky notes, and put them in places where you are likely to go to procrastinate, such as on your TV or video game unit.
The idea is to activate your inner butt-kicker before your situation reaches a crisis level.
- Has there ever been a time when others had doubt but you had faith? What words of encouragement would you have offered at that time? ("You can do it!" "Don't give up.")
- Try to remember a painful time that you thought would never end. Find a word or two that describes how it felt when it was over. ("Victorious." "I'm a survivor.")
- Call to mind one hardship that you have been through in the past. Think of a word or two that describe what you did to get through it. ("Fought," "Hung in there.")
- When was the last time you felt a sense of accomplishment? Pick a word or two to describe how that felt. ("Relief," "Peaceful," "Successful.")
- Think of a positive and self-affirming phrase that you believe when you are in good spirits. ("I'm smart and capable." "I can handle it.")
- Name one or two things about yourself that make you think you can ultimately succeed. ("I don't easily give up." "I can usually figure things out.")
- Create in your mind a slogan that could cheer you on when you are feeling discouraged. ("Go for it and be victorious." "You can make it happen!")
Monica Ramirez Basco, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert in cognitive-behavioral therapy, a clinical psychologist, and a founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. She is on the psychology faculty at the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Basco is the author of several books, including The Procrastinator's Guide to Getting Things Done (Guilford Press, December 2009).
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