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Current Reading Specials

15 Minute Chat Reading $10.00 
1/2 Hour Chat Reading $20.00 
1 Hour Chat Reading $40.00

Reading Specials

Buy a Gift Certificate for a friend and your reading is FREE!

$10 and Under


1 Question Quickie - $10.00

Quickies are email readings designed to give you detailed insight on
a specific question or additional input to help you make a decision on a
specific topic. 1 Question or Topic discussed per email. Quickies are
typically 2-3 detailed paragraphs and includes a free follow up to make
certain you fully understand the information presented in your reading.

Attraction Candle - $7.00
100% natural, pure soy wax candle scented
with pure essential oils
to help you set your intention
and manifest your desires!

Law of Attraction ebook - $7.00

Instantly download to your computer and read instantly.
No shipping fees!


Relationship Compatability Reading- $40.00

With the use of various profiling tools on top of psychic intuition, the
relationship compatability reading will show the likelihood of the outcome of
the relationship, based on the current energy between you. It will help you look
deeper into your personalities and show where you will go well together and
areas which may not be in harmony. This reading can forecast probable challenges
and tests you will each have to overcome as individuals and as a couple. You
will get intimate details about your connection and the probable struggles,
challenges and milestones that lie ahead.

Other Readings and Services Available

Live Readings available by instant messaging, phone or email.