Jul 6, 2011

Affirmation Secrets - How to Hold to Your Affirmations and Keep on Living in the Now

Affirmation Secrets - How to Hold to Your Affirmations and Keep on Living in the Now

Lots of people really become very committed to their affirmations. They speak the affirmations in the morning when they awake. They speak the affirmations at night before they fall asleep. You can hear them speaking the affirmations at every moment - in the shower, while they cook and when they are walking the dog. Day in day out the affirmations are right there on the front of their minds. Some people even turn the affirmations into a sort of chant that continues on all day long. Sounds like a winning formula to me.

Well, it is, sort of. Affirmations work best when repeated many times over and over. This repetition helps the inner mind change and fall in line with whatever it is you are focusing on. Over time the repeating of the affirmations will change how you think about your desired outcome and in turn change how you feel, behave and the decisions you make. What tends to happen with hyper- affirming, like described above, is that the person who is doing the affirming becomes paralyzed with their current life situation. Sometimes the affirmations turn into an intense desire that cancels out whatever is happening right now. It is as if the person starts to hibernate, waiting until the affirmation comes to pass.

As mentioned, affirmations work best when repeated over and over - but not over and over all day long! The purpose of affirming is to slowly change your inner perceptions about your life - not to blot out your current life situation. Affirming all day long will not help you get to your goal faster. It will put you in automatic mode - you need your mind working, not on mute!

Affirmations work best when your mind is impressionable:

1. First thing in the morning while you are getting awake.
2. Last thing at night when you are falling asleep.
3. During meditation or journaling.
4. While walking alone and enjoying the outdoors.
5. During a visualization time (some do this while meditating).
6. When you are feeling bombarded with thoughts of fear regarding not achieving your affirmation. At these times let the affirmations rip fast and furious to get yourself back in balance.

You will find that affirming three or four times a day is sufficient if you are focused while you are doing the affirming. As mentioned in number six keep the affirmations flowing if you are feeling overwhelmed with fear. At these times the chanting method is actually quite helpful. Remember to turn it off and come back to reality once your feel back in line with your desired outcome.

Other than that go live your life - the one you have right now. Your affirmations will come to pass over time as your inner self becomes more aligned with what you are affirming. Racing through affirmations over and over all day long will only prevent you from seeing what is perfect in your life right now - and keep you focused away from your current reality which you need to attend to if you want it to become something else.

Copyright (c) Joan Pasay 2009. All rights reserved. You may forward this article in its entirety (including author bio/links) to anyone you wish.
Joan Pasay is just one of the MoneyAffirmationsMP3.com Team, whose lives have been radically changed by the continued use of positive affirmations for money and in every area of life.
FREE Trial Affirmations MP3s available for your MP3 player. Click here to get yours right now: http://moneyaffirmationsmp3.com
Want to read Joan's affirmations blog? Go to http://affirmationsreallywork.com/blog right now.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Pasay Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2589997


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