Mother's Intuition
Everyone has heard about the mothers' intuition. Some people, of course, do not believe in it, but many people do. The basic premise for mother's intuition is that the mother can sense certain aspects of a given situation in respect to her children, and act accordingly. There have been many instances of mothers sensing different things that were happening to their children, and in some cases, the mothers were able to save their children from dangerous situations, and even death.Nearly every mother possesses some form of this instinct. Whether it is the feeling that something was wrong ten minutes before a child called to say he was sick, or being able to come home at just the right time to catch a daughter in the arms of an undesirable boy. A mother usually can feel when things are wrong.
More aspects to a female's intuition
There are other ways that intuition can manifest in a mother; that are not directly related to her children's welfare. Some of the following things can be experienced through intuition:- Knowing before being told that someone had died.
- An awareness of the innate danger of a situation
- Being able to feel the gender of an unborn child
- A deep internal feeling of whether something is right or wrong.
- Feeling a person's hidden true nature
Bringing out your intuitive side
If you genuinely believe you have never felt the pull of intuition before, then you probably just aren't listening hard enough. If you follow the steps outlined below, then you will be well on your way to reaching your intuitive potential.- Clear the mind of unnecessary clutter. This means expelling stress and worry. If you are constantly thinking about things, then you will not be able to hear your intuitive voice.
- Listen to the prompting's of your inner voice. Listening to what your feelings actually are on a subject will go a long way to opening you up to intuition. Also, listening to other's advice can also be good as you can judge the advice against your true feelings.
- The last step is to actually follow the prompting of your intuition once you hear it. If you listen for your intuition, and then ignore it, then you risk eliminating the ability all together because soon you will stop listening for it at all. Ignoring intuition is a trait that is encouraged in today's society, which is sad for intuition.
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