Apr 28, 2009

Feng Shui Your Bedroom To Draw Love & Romance

Feng Shui Your Bedroom To Draw Love & Romance

No matter who you are or what your relationship status is, you can always enhance your life by drawing more love and romance into your environment. Feng Shui, is known to help people in creating environments in their home which add positive energy to their lives. Right now, stop and take in your surroundings and become aware of how you are affected by the colors, objects and furniture in the room. This type of enhancement to your environment can not only provide the positive energy you may be looking for, but can also bring romance to the bedroom.

Where to Start

Feng Shui for love in the bedroom begins with getting the bedroom cleaned up! A space that is cluttered and riddled with clothes, books, and junk is a sure sign of chi blockage. Chi is the life energy which flows through everything. As long as you can create an even flow of chi throughout your space by eliminating other energies and clutter, the positive and romantic energies will flow freely as well. Places where chi cannot flow freely can and will develop a blockage. This is like a stream that is clogged due to leaves and other parts of nature preventing it from running its course. Once the place is cleaned up and uncluttered, clap your hands loudly around the room to get rid of residue energy that can interfere with the chi you are working to create in your space.

Make sure your bedroom "feels" inviting - it must fulfill the role of a personal sanctuary. When you look at the state of your bedroom now - what does it say to and about you?

Make sure all your items, furnishings and belongings have good/loving memories and feelings for these items. If anything holds bad memories - get rid of it, these things hold a residual energy and act as a constant reminder to your unpleasant subconscious memories. If you have any old photos of ex lovers hanging around, chuck them out.

Make sure you aren't hampering the chi by filling the room with energy of another kind. For example, don't exercise or keep exercise equipment in your room as it brings in an element of hard working energy, taking away from the light, and settling chi of romance.

The importance of the bed should not be overlooked or taken lightly. This is the most important object in the room. You should invest in the best bed you can. If you sleep 8 hours per day, this means you will spend 1/3 of your entire life in it. Your bed holds residual energy from those who have come and gone before. If you have had a partner and wish to attract a new one, you should ideally purchase a new bed. Sometimes that's not always feasible so a good alternative is to replace your bedding. Regardless, Move your bed so it creates a great flow of walking room in your space. Your bed should be the focal point of the room and last but not least, it should be big enough for two!

Remove or conceal your TV. The TV can be a good companion but it also represents a 3rd party in the room - not particularly favorable to a stable and healthy relationship. If you can't force yourself to remove the television try to conceal it inside a corner cabinet or closet.

Make sure your room is not dominated by either yin female energy if you are a woman, or by male yang energy if you are a man. The room must be comfortable and inviting to both sexes.

Make some empty space in your closet, to make room for your future lover.

Soft lighting, moving lamps or lava lamps bring soothing energy and create a tranquil atmosphere.

Place objects around the room that enhance love and represent romance. Here are some items you can add to your room to increase the love-chi energy.
  • Crystals - A pink quartz crystal is known to provide intense feng shui for love. Hanging a pink quartz crystal above the bed, invites a great sexual relationship. Amethyst crystals strengthen relationships and symbolizes a lasting bond.
  • Images of a love couple or a dream house surrounded by a beautiful flower garden
  • Images of the ocean or the moon
  • Images of attractive people or your favorite heart throb
  • Wedding favors
  • Memorabilia from happy events
  • Chinese symbols "Happiness" or "Love"
  • Candles!
  • Colors - Pink and white
  • Aromas - Rose, Lavender, Vanilla (Or a unique blend)
  • Plants or even better, live flowers.

    Have fun creating your most sacred and romantic place!


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